My incomplete list of 43things I hope to do one day
Added to list 02-23-2010
Put Music to my Lyrics
Create a video for my songs
Ride my bike across the U.S.
Have a breast reduction
Added to list 02-13-2010Graduate from college
Be debt free
Added to list on July of 2007 (that is when I joined
- Live in Manhattan
- Shower in a waterfall.
- Study abroad
- Live abroad
- Make love in the rain
- Get corrective eye surgery or Lasik
- Backpack through Europe
- Live in London
- Pose nude for an art class
- Write a book
- Learn to play the guitar
- Live in San Francisco
Did it Done it:
Added to list on 02-13-2010
- Participated in a No Pants subway ride - Read How I Did It
- Sent a message in a bottle - Read How I Did It
- Slept under the stars
- Gone nude at a nudist beach
- Gone skinny dipping by moonlight
- Gone streaking
Thanks for the blog follow and comment. I love to make new friends! I really like your artwork and sense of fun. Love this list. I was just saying the other day that I need a new list of goals.