All Images On My Blog Have Been Created By Me-Myself-Missy * Through Various Methods Such As Drawing, Painting, Collage, Photography, And Digital Imagery. (* unless otherwise noted)
"Fate lies to me with it's hypocrisy" - Me-Myself-Missy
Lyrics from my personal song "The Timing Couldn't Be Any Worse" (c) 2006

Saturday, December 9, 2006

On Being Poor

I just came across this old post an internet friend of mine shared on her blog, - being-poor,  in 2006 in which I responded. It was a list of things on what you may experience when being poor. I could have written several of them myself, while others I am glad I never had to experience. However I am posting my reply here on my blog and dating it for the very day I posted it to her. Do visit her site if you get the chance. She is an incredibly talented artist.
Me-Myself-Missy (aka Flo0Ky`ala* FriBBLe)
Tuesday February 23 2010 4:31 AM
Flo0Ky`ala* FriBBLe said...
BadKitty, I can so relate to this post. It was almost as if I could of written it myself. May I add a few?
  • Being poor is buying food on credit just to use the grocery money to pay the credit cards. 
  • Being poor is not being able to marry the person you love because you cannot afford private health insurance or the co-pays that come with it. 
  • Being poor is saving your last pair of contact lenses for a "special occasion". 
  • Being poor is never buying school photos but just holding on the sample they give out to entice you to buy. 
  • Being poor is wearing lots of layers of clothing (mostly from the eighties) because you cannot afford a coat. 
  • Being poor is buying your kids clothing two or three sizes to big so it lasts longer. 
  • Being poor is planning to visit your extended family only on days you have a doctors appointment (in the same town) to save on gas. 
  • being poor is holding library books hostage for over a year because you do not have the money for the overdue fines. 
Ok, that is what I came up with in the few minutes I thought about it. 
Here is the wonderful response she gave me:

HMBT said...
Thank you Flooky! Yes levity is a good thing when living the lifestyle of the post "Being Poor"! I loved it...thank you for your contribution! It makes it easier to be poor when you are living the life of the poor and famous! All My Love to you!!!!! Thank you for being my friend, I really can't put into words the feelings I have for knowing I am not alone in the struggle to be a sucess-full poor person! :) It's all in the swager baby...all in the "tude". I Love Flooky! Heather

Friday, July 14, 2006

Be gone before someone drops a house on you........

Be gone before someone drops a house on you........
Mood:  smelly
Topic: House Hunting "STINKS"

We went looking at houses again, Mike, Brandon, and I, on Thursday.

Another traumatic experience.

This last one we looked at left our brains in cinders.

We had looked at the house, which claimed a puny dining room to be one of the bedrooms, foolishly deciding to check up upstairs anyhow to see if there were better sleeping quarters.

Fortunately Brandon chose to stay safely downstairs in the eat-in-bedroom.

Unfortunately the first door I opened on the second floor was to the bathroom. Within a fraction of a second I caught a glimpse of its nastiness, grungy bear claw tub, and four, yes four, litter boxes.

It was during the middle of that second of time that the stench whopped through our nasal passages like a flash fire.

Oh, it burned, how it burned. Knocked Mike and I right off our feet.

As quickly as the putrid smell of cat piss hit us was as quickly we both dashed back down the stairs, covering our melting faces, calling to our real estate lady "Forget it!!!".

It is so nice when Mike and I connect in harmonic agreement. 

Originally Posted by Me, FlookyArtist on Friday, July 14th, 2006 at my blog Journey To The Center Of Krapaterdschitz

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