All Images On My Blog Have Been Created By Me-Myself-Missy * Through Various Methods Such As Drawing, Painting, Collage, Photography, And Digital Imagery. (* unless otherwise noted)
"Fate lies to me with it's hypocrisy" - Me-Myself-Missy
Lyrics from my personal song "The Timing Couldn't Be Any Worse" (c) 2006

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

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I find joy for those who find comfort and strength in their beliefs. Everyone should have a positive means in which to survive the many challenges one might face in his or her life time, whether the challenges are mental, physical,  emotional, or financial.

My source of strength comes from the love of my children...(that and the little echo in my head of my mother saying "now do not do anything you cannot reverse").

I use to be more semi religious but recently I find myself relying less on all mighty beings and more on what I see in front of me and from my experiences. In fact I feel I can conquer my fears much better when I am not so much worried by the wrath of good or evil. To much worrying triggers my OCD.

I am more spiritual from within and knowing I am a kind and nurturing human being.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

"Nobody else did this....NOBODY!!!!"....

"Nobody else did this....NOBODY!!!!".... 

...These are the very words my son uttered when he brought me home a surprise. It was a cookie he had wrapped in a napkin. "It has raspberry jelly inside"

I gobbled up my sweet surprise.

How very thoughtful of him.

Ahh, the added benefits of being a parent.


FlookyArtist Originally posted by FlookyArtist on Mar. 17, 2008 at 4:37 PM


A New Approach To Fighting Depression, CALL IN THE ARMY!!

A New Approach To Fighting Depression, CALL IN THE ARMY!!
A few of nights ago I was feeling my usual feeling of unsolicited sadness. There it was, a spirit draining moment of despair that crawled its way into my bain via a wave of chemical imbalance.

My son had wanted to play cards or something so I had to echo those words that I, as a parent, most dread to utter. "I am sorry baby, I am feeling to blah. I have the sadness in my head again".

My son is very familiar with "Mommy's Sadness". The mere existence of this evil presence has, on many occasions, left me, his dear mama, in a state of unfunctionable despair, all curled up in a ball of unmotherly dispiritedness.

My clever little man decided to rescue me from the life sucking sadness that always seemed to get in the way of our fun. So he called in the troops.

Before I knew it a handfull of little plastic army men were battling their way through the trenches of my hair. His army men had aroused a crusade to rid my brain of the anti-happiness kamikazes.

Now is it coincidence that my son knows how much I love it when he plays with my hair?

I could hear from above my scalp, deep, precise, shouts of soldiers in battle.

The words "GENERAL WE'RE COMING IN!!!" reverberated in beat with the trampling of little, fused together feet as his troops attacked and slaughtered the powerful sadness.

But amid the cries of "ARRRG" and "Kaboom" I felt at peace. The marching of the troops, and thier entanglement in the foreign war zone, that was my hair, felt good.

Listening to my son play with such passion and imagination, a game which is typical of a child his age, was uplifting, especially since it was elaborated on top of my head.

It was a ring side seat into remembering the happiness of my own creative play as a young girl.

This well orchastrated tactic of his may have lasted a total of ten minutes but within that time the reigning sadness was forced into a quick retreat.

I was left feeling empowered and enlightened, the way a mother should feel when she is raising such a empathetic and nurturing child.

It may have been this battle was won and I, for this moment of time, was able to recover from the tyranny of my depression. For this I have my son to thank.

If I thought for a moment that something as simple as a calvary of green little men could actually win me the entire war, I would recommend such to other victims of this cruel and oppressive dictator of pychological wellness, the der fuhrer of the brain, innocently known to my son as simply "Mommy's Sadness".

Think about then how much suffering would be eradicated.

If only........   

 ©2008 FlookyArtist (originally posted in my CafeMom blog FlookyArtist's Journal)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Evil Desecration Of Cookie Dough Ice Cream

The Evil Desecration Of Cookie Dough Ice Cream 

FlookyArtist Originally posted by FlookyArtist (AKA Me-Myself-Missy) on Mar. 15, 2008 at 5:15 PM on  *Eclectic* ~N~ *Eccentric* Women
Was it so wrong? Am I simply sadistic or narcissistic? As tasty as the ice cream itself was, all I really wanted to indulge in was the scrumptious clumps of addicting cookie dough. HMMMMMM....

I picked and picked through the chilled creaminess, poking my way to find those little treasures and scoffing them down with eye rolling delight.

Bad Mother I am, I put the container back in the freezer after raping the dairy treat of all its chocolate chipped confection. I Left it with nothing but violated vanilla in all its boring, plain, non-glory.

The temptation was too great.... and I was just to darn weak.



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