Topic: House Hunting "STINKS"
We went looking at houses again, Mike, Brandon, and I, on Thursday.
Another traumatic experience.
This last one we looked at left our brains in cinders.
We had looked at the house, which claimed a puny dining room to be one of the bedrooms, foolishly deciding to check up upstairs anyhow to see if there were better sleeping quarters.
Fortunately Brandon chose to stay safely downstairs in the eat-in-bedroom.
Unfortunately the first door I opened on the second floor was to the bathroom. Within a fraction of a second I caught a glimpse of its nastiness, grungy bear claw tub, and four, yes four, litter boxes.
It was during the middle of that second of time that the stench whopped through our nasal passages like a flash fire.
Oh, it burned, how it burned. Knocked Mike and I right off our feet.
As quickly as the putrid smell of cat piss hit us was as quickly we both dashed back down the stairs, covering our melting faces, calling to our real estate lady "Forget it!!!".
It is so nice when Mike and I connect in harmonic agreement.
Originally Posted by Me, FlookyArtist on Friday, July 14th, 2006 at my blog Journey To The Center Of Krapaterdschitz